Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Morning Meditations...

After such a fun weekend, I need a day to rest! :) We had so much fun with the Hortons, Perkins & Esperats this weekend. When I think about the friendships God has given me and the incredible memories and ongoing encouragements we have, I am more grateful than I can even express. Lately when I think of these incredible women of God that I got to share the most precious years of growth and discovery of God's heart with... He has been showing me something awesome for the future. What we have as far as friendship in Him is rare and to be nurtured. I keep getting this vision of 7 women with incredible callings. We are already walking in what He has called us to now... I think of husbands that are being supported, children that are witnessing the ultimate examples of worshipping hearts and are being raised in the fear and love of God, I think of new friends and co-workers that we get to love on and encourage, neighbors we can minister to, and patients who are being cared for... Already, He is using each of us... and yet I sense we are only on the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait to see what He will call each of us to... I pray it will be powerful... that we won't be limited by our own sight, but that we will be strengthened in our spirits by the fellowship we have and that we will rise up to answer His every call... that we will live lives that require His provision and strength and the love and encouragement of one another... and that we will each have a mighty impact on our world for His glory. He has given us so much and has built in us a solid foundation... let us continue to build upon that!