Friday, January 9, 2009

2nd Trimester

Well... I'm still able to wear mostly normal clothes (though maternity ones are getting to be the more comfortable option) and I am feeling a little better. I'm still pretty nauseous all day, but it's been over 48 hours since I've gotten sick and that's a big improvement!

I started to wonder this week if my pregnancy was really to blame for the nausea & sickness... or perhaps it has been the ridiculous amount of stress I've been under at work! I really have to pray daily for peace and control of my emotions and for the strength and humility to continue working in such a difficult working environment. I'm not alone, my co-workers and I have been working extremely hard for the last year to communicate with our leadership and to pray for change. It's pretty discouraging when you know you are doing everything you can, and people just don't seem to 'get it.' But we press on... I'm just thankful to have something new to look forward to... a light at the end of the tunnel... a way out in 6 months. For now, I just need the wisdom and discernment to know how to manage this stress in a healthy way for the duration of my pregnancy. I'm pretty sure I've just got to stick it out, but I also know I have to stay healthy, so while it doesn't seem feasible to find another option for 6 months, I'm just praying that if I need to, God will provide.

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